Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in total
Stolen letters from the Soviet Union emerge decades later to tell stories about a repressive past. Echoes of the present emerge as our researchers dive deep into somet...
The Secret History of Barbecue
Today, Russell takes us through the secret history of barbecue - what you didn't know about a summertime staple.
The Big Mother of Kiev
Guest contributors Sophia and Isabel Jewel investigate Europe's biggest monument - the Motherland Monument in Kiev, Ukraine.
A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 3
Gina and Nataly wrap up our series on Canada-Cuba relations.
A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 2
Guest contributors Lynda and Yintong sit down with Dr. John Kirk, who had been a go-between for the Canadian government and the Castros.
A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 1
Part one of three in a series on Canada-Cuba relations, with guest contributers Simran Grewal and Zain Khan.
Birth of a Stereotype
Today, Russell and Sabrina talk the history of Aladdin, representation in media, and Republicans.
Resting Villain Face, Part 2
We keep our conversation with Omar going - and learn about what happened to Frank Lackteen after the advent of sound cinema.
Resting Villain Face, Part 1
This week on History X - we talk to author and journalist Omar Mouallem about one of the silent era’s busiest character actors, and why you’ve never heard of him.
The Story That Set Tulsa on Fire
A re-broadcast of History X's pilot - a story that set Tulsa, AZ, on fire.
A Saint for Sinners?: Santa Muerte
You've seen her in shows like Narcos, like Breaking Bad - but who is Santa Muerte, really, and where does she come from? We talk to Dr. Kate Kingsbury to find out.
Precedented: An American Coup
A governor declares war on the Klan. The Klan ousts the governor. Political violence is baked into American history.
The Surrender of IR 136: Part Two
Edmonton expands and the Papaschase Band pursues the last herds of bison. The band adheres to Treaty 6 and accepts a reserve. But then Frank Oliver gets involved.
The Surrender of IR 136: Part One
The story of IR 136 is just the tip of the iceberg. How and why did a huge chunk of land, guaranteed by treaty to the Papaschase band, end up the way it did?
Ghost Stories
Ghost stories.
The Ghosts of FunDrive
Edmonton ghost stories. Support CJSR!
Prelude to a Coup
What can 1970s and 1980s Argentina teach us about how coups happen, how to survive them, and how to deal with a society that's fragmenting around you, right before yo...
Trailer: Prelude to a Coup
What can 1970s and 1980s Argentina teach us about how coups happen, how to survive them, and how to deal with a fragmenting society?
Hammers, Hate Groups, and Heimdall
What happens when something you love is co-opted by hatred?
Trailer: Hammers, Hate Groups, and Heimdall
Coming soon.
The Trader
A statue and a city come to a reckoning.
Coming Soon: History X
A brand new show about true stories from history that have been repressed, suppressed, or simply forgotten. Launching September 18, 2020.
The Rest is Not History
A story of former friends, and the forgotten second act of Richard Lloyd Jones in Tulsa, Oklahoma.