Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in total


Stolen letters from the Soviet Union emerge decades later to tell stories about a repressive past. Echoes of the present emerge as our researchers dive deep into somet...

The Secret History of Barbecue

Today, Russell takes us through the secret history of barbecue - what you didn't know about a summertime staple.

The Big Mother of Kiev

Guest contributors Sophia and Isabel Jewel investigate Europe's biggest monument - the Motherland Monument in Kiev, Ukraine.

A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 3

Gina and Nataly wrap up our series on Canada-Cuba relations.

A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 2

Guest contributors Lynda and Yintong sit down with Dr. John Kirk, who had been a go-between for the Canadian government and the Castros.

A Very Special Friendship: Canada and Cuba, Part 1

Part one of three in a series on Canada-Cuba relations, with guest contributers Simran Grewal and Zain Khan.

Birth of a Stereotype

Today, Russell and Sabrina talk the history of Aladdin, representation in media, and Republicans.

Resting Villain Face, Part 2

We keep our conversation with Omar going - and learn about what happened to Frank Lackteen after the advent of sound cinema.

Resting Villain Face, Part 1

This week on History X - we talk to author and journalist Omar Mouallem about one of the silent era’s busiest character actors, and why you’ve never heard of him.

The Story That Set Tulsa on Fire

A re-broadcast of History X's pilot - a story that set Tulsa, AZ, on fire.

A Saint for Sinners?: Santa Muerte

You've seen her in shows like Narcos, like Breaking Bad - but who is Santa Muerte, really, and where does she come from? We talk to Dr. Kate Kingsbury to find out.

Precedented: An American Coup

A governor declares war on the Klan. The Klan ousts the governor. Political violence is baked into American history.

The Surrender of IR 136: Part Two

Edmonton expands and the Papaschase Band pursues the last herds of bison. The band adheres to Treaty 6 and accepts a reserve. But then Frank Oliver gets involved.

The Surrender of IR 136: Part One

The story of IR 136 is just the tip of the iceberg. How and why did a huge chunk of land, guaranteed by treaty to the Papaschase band, end up the way it did?

The Ghosts of FunDrive

Edmonton ghost stories. Support CJSR!

Prelude to a Coup

What can 1970s and 1980s Argentina teach us about how coups happen, how to survive them, and how to deal with a society that's fragmenting around you, right before yo...

Trailer: Prelude to a Coup

What can 1970s and 1980s Argentina teach us about how coups happen, how to survive them, and how to deal with a fragmenting society?

Hammers, Hate Groups, and Heimdall

What happens when something you love is co-opted by hatred?

The Trader

A statue and a city come to a reckoning.

Coming Soon: History X

A brand new show about true stories from history that have been repressed, suppressed, or simply forgotten. Launching September 18, 2020.

The Rest is Not History

A story of former friends, and the forgotten second act of Richard Lloyd Jones in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

CJSR 88.5 FM